Hmm, something is up ....

Bryn Paul Arnold Jones (
Fri, 19 Apr 1996 03:46:54 +0100 (BST)

well I'm running 1.3.91, and ps look's really odd to me, see for your
self, for onething I don't have over 400% of processor, and I have time
traveling processes (started at 4:00am+, it's 3:45 now, and my box
has only been up 3 (nearly now) hours) .... Box is Red Hat 3.0.3, with all
updates (I think anyway).

ps -xu:
root@gytha:~# ps -xu
bin 87 0.0 115580.3 0 -4 psf 8 N 03:27 0:00 (portmap) S 1
bpaj 188 99.9 115580.3 0 -4 v28 1 04:28 0:30 -bash
bpaj 796 0.0 115580.3 0 -4 v28 7 < 06:20 0:00 pine -i
nobody 156 0.0 115580.3 0 -4 psf 1 04:03 0:00 (httpd) S 146
root 1 22.0 28895.0 2097151 536870912 con 1 00:51 33:05 init [3]
root 2 0.0 0.0 2097151 0 s00 1 00:51 0:00 (kflushd) S 1
root 3 0.0 0.0 2097151 0 s00 1 00:51 0:00 (kswapd) S 1
root 8 0.0 28895.0 2097151 536870912 con 8 < 00:51 0:02 /sbin/kerneld
root 56 99.9 115580.3 0 -4 psf 5 N 03:28 0:09 syslogd
root 65 0.0 115580.3 0 -4 psf 6 03:37 0:00 klogd
root 76 99.9 115580.3 0 -4 psf 7 03:28 0:14 crond
root 98 0.0 115580.3 0 -4 psf 9 N 03:28 0:00 inetd
root 109 0.0 115580.3 0 -4 psf 3 N 03:33 0:00 rpc.mountd
root 118 0.0 115580.3 0 -4 psf 1 N 03:38 0:00 rpc.nfsd
root 134 0.0 115580.3 0 -4 psf 1 04:32 0:00 (sendmail) S 1
root 146 0.0 115580.3 0 -4 psf 1 04:03 0:00 httpd
root 158 0.0 115580.3 0 -4 psf 1 03:59 0:00 (sshd) S 1
root 169 0.0 115580.3 0 -4 psf 1 N 03:26 0:00 (lpd) S 1
root 187 99.9 115580.3 0 -4 v58 1 04:28 2:50 -bash
root 189 0.0 115580.3 0 -4 pWd 1 N 03:29 0:00 (getty) S 1
root 190 0.0 115580.3 0 -4 pWe 1 N 03:29 0:00 (getty) S 1
root 191 0.0 115580.3 0 -4 pWf 1 N 03:29 0:00 (getty) S 1
root 192 0.0 115580.3 0 -4 pp0 1 N 03:29 0:00 (getty) S 1
root 194 0.1 115580.3 0 -4 psf 1 03:18 0:00 update (bdflush)
root 780 0.0 115580.3 0 -4 psf 7 04:37 0:00 sendmail: DAA00778 nano
root 825 0.0 115580.3 0 -4 psf 8 < 03:24 0:00 gpm -t ps2
root 826 0.0 115580.3 0 -4 v58 8 03:28 0:00 ps -xu

3:24am up 2:32, 2 users, load average: 0.00, 0.12, 0.18

Linux version 1.3.91 (root@gytha) (gcc version 2.7.2) #1 Thu Apr 18 15:06:19 BST 1996

Real Time Clock Status:
RTC reports 02:25:06 of 19-4-1996.
Alarm set to match: hour=2, min=1, sec=24.
Misc. settings: daylight=no; BCD=yes; 24hr=yes; Sq-Wave=no.
Interrupt for: alarm=no; update=no; periodic=no.
Periodic interrupt rate set to 1024Hz.
RTC reports that CMOS battery is okay.

Fri Apr 19 03:25:14 BST 1996
total used free shared buffers cached
Mem: 14864 7824 7040 2612 872 4124
-/+ buffers: 6952 7912
Swap: 68536 2348 66188
MemTotal: 14
MemFree: 6
MemShared: 2
Buffers: 0
Cached: 4
SwapTotal: 66
SwapFree: 64

Free pages: 7124kB
( 93*4kB 326*8kB 173*16kB 37*32kB 3*64kB 0*128kB = 7124kB)
Swap cache: add 4223/4223, delete 875990/3427, find 10613/756
Free swap: 66188kB
4096 pages of RAM
1781 free pages
380 reserved pages
601 pages shared
Buffer memory: 872kB
Buffer heads: 6336
Buffer blocks: 872
Buffer[0] mem: 722 buffers, 18 used (last=18), 0 locked, 0 protected, 0
dirty 0
Buffer[2] mem: 125 buffers, 20 used (last=124), 7 locked, 0 protected, 0
dirty 0 shrd
Buffer[4] mem: 1 buffers, 0 used (last=0), 0 locked, 0 protected, 1 dirty
0 shrdSize [LAV] Free Clean Unshar Lck Lck1 Dirty Shared
512 [ 0]: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1024 [ 133]: 24 722 0 125 0 1 0
2048 [ 0]: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
4096 [ 0]: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
8192 [ 0]: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Networking buffers in use : 0
Network buffers locked by drivers : 0
Total network buffer allocations : 399338
Total failed network buffer allocs : 3
Total free while locked events : 0
IP fragment buffer size : 0

free sibling
task PC stack pid father child younger older
swapper 0 R current 4096 0 0 1
init 1 S FFFFFC18 2716 1 0 825
kflushd 2 S 00000026 3540 2 1 3
kswapd 3 S 00000008 3320 3 1 8 2
pine 4 S FFFFFC18 2996 796 188
bash 5 S 00000010 2720 187 1 862 188 169
kerneld 6 S FFFFFC18 3136 8 1 56 3
bash 7 S 00000013 2896 188 1 796 189 187
syslogd 8 S FFFFFC18 3052 56 1 65 8
klogd 9 R 00000022 3352 65 1 76 56
crond 10 S FFFFFC18 3340 76 1 87 65
portmap 11 S 0000001E 3232 87 1 98 76
inetd 12 S 00000012 3168 98 1 109 87
rpc.mountd 13 S FFFFFC18 3208 109 1 118 98
rpc.nfsd 14 S 00000027 3240 118 1 134 109
sendmail 15 S FFFFFC18 3184 134 1 146 118
httpd 16 S FFFFFC18 3200 146 1 156 158 134
sshd 17 S 00000018 3260 158 1 169 146
lpd 18 S 00000027 3404 169 1 187 158
httpd 19 S 00000009 3532 156 146
getty 20 S 0000000D 2996 189 1 190 188
getty 21 S 00000027 2996 190 1 191 189
getty 22 S 00000027 2952 191 1 192 190
getty 23 S 00000027 2996 192 1 194 191
pico 24 S FFFFFC18 2996 862 187
update 25 S FFFFFC18 3268 194 1 825 192
gpm 27 S FFFFFC18 3396 825 1 194

PGP key pass phrase forgotten,   \ Overload -- core meltdown sequence 
again :(                          |            initiated.
                                 / This space is intentionally left   
                                |  blank, apart from this text ;-)