Re: Amazing what a little RTFM can do :>

Shinanyaku (
Fri, 19 Apr 1996 08:23:23 -0400 (EDT)

Bryn Paul Arnold Jones was heard saying ....

> > I imagine the error is because there is a hdd, but no hdc. Either way,
> > my CDs mount, so I aon't gonna worry about it.
> >
> This actually brakes the standard, but .... you really should rejumper
> the drive as the master. Also, FYI rember that the master has to be the
> first drive on the ribbon (closest to the "controler"), so if/when you
> add annother disk, or if you move the CD, make sure that the master is the
> first the computer sees when it looks down the wire.

Uhh? You mean the drives settings (master/slave) is ALSO dependant on
its RIBBON location??? I thought floppy drives were the only ones that
actually did that (and for them because of the little twist in the
cable that you can see). But you say that IDE is the same way?? Huh! I
connected, disconnected, and moved more IDE devices than I can think
of and have NEVER been aware of the cable-location thingy.

So have I just been LUCKY for the past 4 years and by chance gotten
cable location correct? Hmm!

> Bryn
> --
