Can't locate module net-pf-3 (or 5)

Peter Jones (
Thu, 04 Apr 1996 20:42:20 +0100

Since getting 1.3.83 installed (I skipped '81 and '82), I've been seeing these on system start-up.

Apr 3 20:56:49 modprobe: Can't locate module net-pf-3
Apr 3 20:56:49 modprobe: Can't locate module net-pf-5

"modules" version is 1.3.57. I guess I need a later one with more built-in aliases... Can someone
redirect me to the appropriate URL? Ta.

(Oh, and _where_ does modprobe get that string (i.e. "net-pf-3")? I can't find anything like it in the
kernel source tree... I'm guessing the "3" is the index into the protocol family table...)

-- Peter

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