Re: New sysvinit-2.60 ??!!??
Sun, 14 Apr 96 22:35 CDT

>>>>> "anos" == <> writes:

anos> Alan K. Adamson wrote:
>> Anyone installed and made this release work???
>> I built it, installed it and then tried a shutdown -r -t0 now and the
>> command just came back to the prompt.... NO shutdown... What did I do
>> wrong. It is on a slackware release machine.... with latest kernel,
>> etc.

anos> Same here. After installing 2.6.0 on a 1.3.88 kernel, the "reboot" command
anos> resulted in run-level 6, i.e XDM starting! Had to hard-reset out from there...

anos> Any clues ?

Yes, I suspect that reboot is actually doing an 'init 6' which in
System V means reboot. (runlevel 0 ==> halt; runlevel 6 ==> reboot) As
I recall Slackware changes all this to be more bsd-like. So you can
either read the docs with 2.6.0 to see how to get the bsd behavior, or
move X to another runlevel, I have it on 5.


 Johnie Stafford           |  Internet E-mail:
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