Re: RedHat boot-up script problem with recent kernels

Peter L Jones (
Mon, 27 May 1996 09:37:20 +0100 wrote:
> I am running 1.99.7 (a RedHat 3.0 box) and got the following odd error
> message when booting:
> SIOCADDRT: Invalid argument
> I tracked it down to the fact that the /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifup-lo
> script tries to do a:
> route add -net
> is obviously not a network, yet somehow this has been working for
> months. Something must have changed in the recent code to make the kernel
> more sensitive to this. Changing the ifup-lo script to explicitly do:
> route add -net
> fixes the problem.
> --
> Rasmus Lerdorf

That's the right answer. The network code allowed, wrongly, as a
network before. It's been fixed.

I have to say the RedHat startup scripts are pretty poor... I must get around
to mailing them mine. The overall idea is okay... but you try changing from
runlevel 3 to 2... and then back to 3... Or down to 1... etc.

-- Peter

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