Linux Links - Web Page

Andrew E. Mileski (
Wed, 26 Jun 1996 11:47:44 -0400 (EDT)

Everyday I see a bunch of new and interesting Linux related links
posted in the messages on linux-kernel and elsewhere. After writing
them on a thousand scraps of paper, I've decided to put them all
in one place on a web page.

So if _anybody_ has a few links they think others would find useful,
E-MAIL them to me. They don't have to be kernel related, but Linux
related is preferable, and if it isn't even *nix related then don't
bother me. _ANY_ URL will do (mailing lists, ftp, web, etc.)

I'll annouce the web page as soon as it is ready for public viewing
(very, very, very soon).

Andrew E. Mileski      My home page
Linux Plug-and-Play Project Leader. See URL

Red Hat Software sponsors these pages - I have no other affilitation with Red Hat Software, and I have never used any of their products.