linux headers and tcpdump programs

Marty Leisner (
Wed, 10 Jul 1996 14:50:41 PDT

I'm trying to port tcpdump 3.2.1a1 to linux

The major problem is the elements of structures are called something
else from the tcpdump/bsd implementatoin....

I think the way things are managed in headers files is somewhat backwards...

For example, <net/udp.h> does:
#include <linux/udp.h>

#define UDP_NO_CHECK 0

extern struct proto udp_prot;

extern void udp_err(int type, int code, unsigned char *header, __u32 daddr,
__u32 saddr, struct inet_protocol *protocol);
extern void udp_send_check(struct udphdr *uh, __u32 saddr,
__u32 daddr, int len, struct sock *sk);
extern int udp_recvfrom(struct sock *sk, unsigned char *to,
int len, int noblock, unsigned flags,
struct sockaddr_in *sin, int *addr_len);
extern int udp_read(struct sock *sk, unsigned char *buff,
int len, int noblock, unsigned flags);
extern int udp_connect(struct sock *sk,
struct sockaddr_in *usin, int addr_len);

and linux/udp.h
#ifndef _LINUX_UDP_H
#define _LINUX_UDP_H

struct udphdr {
unsigned short source;
unsigned short dest;
unsigned short len;
unsigned short check;

The BSD udphdr structure is:
ifndef _NETINET_UDP_H_
#define _NETINET_UDP_H_

* Udp protocol header.
* Per RFC 768, September, 1981.
struct udphdr {
u_short uh_sport; /* source port */
u_short uh_dport; /* destination port */
short uh_ulen; /* udp length */
u_short uh_sum; /* udp checksum */


I would imagine
net/udp.h to have something like:

struct udphdr {
unsigned short uh_sport;
unsigned short uh_dport;
unsigned short uh_ulen;
unsigned short uh_sum;
struct udphdr {
unsigned short source;
unsigned short dest;
unsigned short len;
unsigned short check;

#ifdef __KERNEL__
#include <linux/udp.h>

Where linux/*.h contains linux/kernel dependcies...udphdr is
pretty generic udp stuff...(so I don't see why its in linux/udp.h
instead of net/udp.h)

I want to see tools like tcpdump compile relatively cleanly.

Comments? If this is a step in the right direction, I'll
start making the changes.

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