Bad/Broken network behavior

Ricky Beam (
Tue, 22 Oct 1996 13:04:51 -0400 (EDT)

(It seems we have some children that aren't playing nicely.)

Titan: SGI Indy IRIX/5.3
Lacota: P120 Linux/2.0.17

[ttyq0]titan://[12:27pm]:netstat -f inet
Active Internet connections
Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address Foreign Address (state)
tcp 0 61440 titan.interpath..1021 FIN_WAIT_1
tcp 0 61440 titan.interpath..1023 FIN_WAIT_1

[root:ttyp6]lacota:/tmp/[12:26pm]:netstat -t
Active Internet connections
Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address Foreign Address (State) User
tcp 0 0 lacota.interpath.:1668 lacota.interpath.:nntp CLOSE_WAIT jfbeam
tcp 45056 0 lacota.interpath:shell titan.interpath.n:1023 ESTABLISHED root
tcp 45056 0 lacota.interpath:shell titan.interpath.n:1021 ESTABLISHED root

[root:ttyp6]lacota:/tmp/[12:27pm]:ps auxwww | grep tcsh\ -c
jfbeam 2542 0.0 3.7 1756 1160 ? D 11:37 0:00 tcsh -c cat > /tmp/titan-home.tar
jfbeam 2559 0.0 3.7 1756 1160 ? D 12:19 0:00 tcsh -c cat > /tmp/titan-home.tar
root 2660 0.0 1.1 884 368 p6 S 12:29 0:00 grep tcsh -c

FYI: the processes feeding the shells to lacota seg faulted.

I now have two shells that won't die eating up 300M of drive space until they
exit. The SGI will eventually (after ~15min) cycle those two sockets and the
buffers out, but Linux will happily set there until the machine crashes or is
otherwise restarted.


PS: That nntp socket in close_wait has been there for 26hrs.

(And yes, I know what the various states mean.)