Re: Linux box finds it hard to

Vladimir Litovka (
Thu, 31 Oct 1996 12:31:10 +0200 (EET)


On 30 Oct 1996, Peter Eyes Eiserloh wrote:

> >My users complain that telneting in first thing in the morning takes a very
> >long time (order of minutes). This morning, I actually saw it for myself.
> Does your BOIS do power management, such as spinning down your disks
> after a certain period of inactivity? If so part of the pause is when the
> disks are spinning up to access your filesystem. But, this should only take
> about 15 seconds or so.

Does this users described in DNS or /etc/hosts? If no, Linux box try to
identify incoming session for a long time (of cource, if you use
tcp_wrappers with incoming check ON)

Yours sincerely, Vladimir Litovka, postmaster of