Re: Linux, Microkernel project????

Michael Stiller (
Sun, 12 Jan 1997 13:08:09 +0100

> Hello, I'm heard a couple month ago or read somewhere on the web that
> there is a microkernel projrect for linux to turn it into a microkernel.
> If there is such a project, what is it's status and where can I find
> more information on it.
> Thanks very much.....


x(f,s,c)char *s;{return f&1 ? *s ? *s-c ? x(f,++s,c) :7[s]:0:f&2 
? x(--f,"!/*,xq-ih9]c$=le&M t)r\nm@p31n%ag.8}Sdoy",c):f&4 ? *s ? 
x(f,s+1,putchar(x(f-2,"^&%!*)",*s))) : 0 : 0;}main(){return x(4,
"]!x/mhicn$!iihle&!x/mhiM$agimr%p !r@p%he&!x/mhiM !r@p%he",65);}