Minor error in config.h (2.1.21)

Dale R. Worley (worley@ariadne.com)
Tue, 21 Jan 1997 15:05:20 -0500

In release 2.1.21, the file include/linux/config.h at line 26 says
that UTS_VERSION is defined in version.h, but in fact, it is defined
in include/linux/compile.h. Unfortunately, config.h is generated, not
part of the source tree, and I don't know what program generates it,
so I can't supply a patch to fix it.

(UTS_RELEASE is still defined in include/linux/version.h, although the
comment at line 26 could be clearer by giving the full path name from
the Linux root.)



Dale R. Worley					Ariadne Internet Services
Voice: +1 617-899-7949   Fax: +1 617-899-7946	E-mail: worley@ariadne.com
"Internet-based electronic commerce solutions to real business problems."