Re: Good point of Linux over Windows NT

yuri mironoff (
Wed, 22 Jan 1997 02:09:03 -0500 (EST)

On 21 Jan 1997, stephen farrell wrote:

> i dunno. i wonder how the kernel informs the threads that the io is
> done. perhaps there is a more flexible system in NT for signalling
> than in linux...
When you request an AST under VMS, you pass in the address of
you own handler function. This function is "called" by the system
when the AST completes. A handler function accepts as its arguments
the address of a status structure (the AST completion code, number of
bytes transferred, etc ...) and an optional argument passed in
during the original AST request. This handler function can then process
the results of the AST, resubmit the AST - whatever. Quite elegant really.

But I digress, NT is an incomplete imitation of VMS - so I guess it does
something similar.
