2.1.22 global symbols

Thomas Koenig (ig25@mvmap66.ciw.uni-karlsruhe.de)
Thu, 23 Jan 1997 23:02:11 +0100 (MET)

Please ignore everything starting looking like __kstrtab*
or __ksymtab* in the list I posted.

Apparently, somebody's been playing around with ELF sections again, and
my nm didn't grok it.

Here's an updated version of the script.

#! /usr/bin/perl -w

use File::Find;

$basedir = '/usr/src/linux/';

$maxlen = 0;
chdir $basedir;

find(\&wanted, $basedir);

for (keys %defined)
foreach $oname (@{$defined{$_}}) {
$oname =~ s/.o$//;
$cfilename = "$oname.c";
$sfilename = "$oname.S";
next if $req{$_};
$offending_file = "";
if (-f $cfilename) {
$offending_file = $cfilename;
elsif (-f $sfilename) {
$offending_file = $sfilename;
else {
$maxlen = length($offending_file) if length($offending_file) > $maxlen;
push(@{$found{$offending_file}}, $_);

for (sort keys %found)
printf ("%-".$maxlen. "s: ",$_);
print (join(', ', sort (@{$found{$_}})),"\n");

sub wanted {
my($tmp) = $_;
my($name, $foo);
return undef if !/^.*\.o$/;
return undef if $File::Find::dir =~ /scripts/;
$name = $File::Find::name;
open(NM,"nm --extern-only $name|");
while(<NM>) {
@fld = split(/\s+/);
if ($fld[1] eq "U") {
$req{$fld[2]} ++;
elsif ($fld[1] ne "?") {
$foo = $name;
$foo =~ s/$basedir//;
push(@{$defined{$fld[2]}}, $foo);
$_ = $tmp;

Thomas Koenig, Thomas.Koenig@ciw.uni-karlsruhe.de, ig25@dkauni2.bitnet.
The joy of engineering is to find a straight line on a double
logarithmic diagram.