Re: If Linux is to succeed

Alan Cox (
Thu, 23 Jan 1997 22:14:44 +0000 (GMT)

> about it. Not the pathetic Applix or buggy WordPerfect. Why is

Applix is nice I like Applix.

> it that the Windows API has not been ported to Unix? Why not the
> Microsoft Foundation classes? Why not ActiveX/OLE/DCOM.


1. The windows API is very poor. Some of the low level X API's are bad
too. Also if you want to pay a windows api porting kit is available from - so go buy it. It includes MSFC as well

2. ActiveX isnt documented properly or very clever

3. OLE is poor and a non standard. CORBA offers much more

> products (multi thousand dollars for a GUI painter) but should
> be similar to PC market prices. I know I am willing to spend some
> cash.

See then. Lots of people do
spend money on Linux apps, especially companies.
