Re: 2.0.30

Pierfrancesco Caci (
Tue, 11 Mar 1997 08:24:50 +0100 (CET)

Mirrashar Lenashri' own words:
:-> >2 / 1 / 0 == 2 / 0 / 30
:-> ^^^^^ ^^^
:-> Actually, anything divided by zero is undefined; you can't divide anything
:-> zero ways. So, in essence, 2/1/0 does not equal 2/0/30, as undefined is..
:-> err, wait, I guess they are equal. Never mind.

if you take the limit (x -> 0) for both sides, they're equal. Same
order limit. :-)


--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pierfrancesco Caci | internet: | ik5pvx | | Office for the Complication Firenze - Italia | | of Otherwise Simple Affairs Linux penny 2.1.28 #3 Tue Mar 4 08:45:13 MET 1997 i586 unknown