Re: [Re: Kernel 2.0.30]

eyal (
Sun, 18 May 1997 10:07:30 +1000

Jon Lewis wrote:

> You'll need to copy or symlink it somewhere where klgod knows to look. I
> symlink it.

Or, better still, I use a script to rebuild the kernel (doesn't
and there I copy the new map to /lib/modules/2.0.30 (or whatever). Now I
have a link from /System.Map -> /lib/modules/current/ and I
have to bother with it manualy, regardless of which kernel I boot, since
/lib/modules/current is dynamically set at bootup.

Actually, I also copy my .config, /etc/soundconf and zimage to the same
place just for good organization and documentation.

Eyal Lebedinsky		(