UseNet Gateway One Way ok?

Christoph Lameter (
Sat, 24 May 1997 16:41:21 -0700 (PDT)

Someone told me about the post below. I hope a gateway that does NOT allow
a flow back is ok?

It seems that there is a big need for having information in a manageable
way and even the restricted ability only to follow the discussion with a
newsreader is much more comfortable than e-mail.

On Sun, 11 May 1997, David S. Miller wrote:

> Whoever set this up, SPEAK NOW!
> If I cannot personally track down where these postings are being
> gateway'd, or the person who set this gateway up contacts me, the
> linux-kernel subscription list is being set to a zero length file and
> everyone will need to resubscribe. This will happen in exactly 24
> hours with no exceptions.
> I'm serious, people are acting like children, trading news feeds to
> these lists as if they were fucking WareZ, grow up people. I said
> there would be no Usenet gateways of these lists and I fucking meant
> it.
> ---------------------------------------------////
> Yow! 11.26 MB/s remote host TCP bandwidth & ////
> 199 usec remote TCP latency over 100Mb/s ////
> ethernet. Beat that! ////
> -----------------------------------------////__________ o
> David S. Miller, /_____________/ / // /_/ ><

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