memory > 64 Mb

Ronei Marcos Moraes (
Tue, 10 Jun 1997 11:12:42 -0300


I have installed Linux 2.0.27 Red Hat Vanderbilt 4.1 in my machine
(Pentium 166, VXPro motherboard, Award Bios - v4.51PG release 03/16/19997 S -
and 128MB EDO RAM). My kernel doesn't see my memory (it see only 64Mb), but Windows 95
see. The DOS 6.2, 6.22 and DOS 7 (Windows'95 DOS prompt) doesn't see the memory
too (only 64Mb). The sintax 'append = "mem=128M"' doesn't resolve my problem
(at LILO) and my Award BIOS doesn't have the option Enable Memory Hole at 15MB
(there is an option: OS for memory > 64M - Non OS2 or OS2. I have an option Non OS2).
What's happen?

Thanks in advance,

Mr. Moraes

Please, excuse my sintax errors.