Re: Why did not make a kernel above 512 Kbytes ?

Aaron M. Ucko (
01 Jul 1997 21:30:20 -0400

Miryong Park <> writes:

> after making new kernel I did make zImage
> but it did not operate, for it says It couldn't make zImage more then
> 512 Kbytes size kernel !!!
> How can i solve ?

Either compile more drivers as modules are make bzImage instead. (The
latest versions of LILO and Loadlin can deal.)

Aaron M. Ucko ( | For Geek Code, PGP public key, and other info,
finger | "Kids! Bringing about Armageddon can be dangerous.
Do not attempt it in your home." -- T. Pratchett & N. Gaiman, _Good Omens_