Re: Take a deep breath...

Kohtala Marko (
18 Jul 1997 13:55:34 +0300

Riccardo Facchetti <> writes:
> On Thu, 17 Jul 1997, Raul Miller wrote:
> > A perverse fascination (and a long-term desire for speed) leaves me
> > wondering how non-emacs users manage large scale browsing.
> Not really hard to do with vi, grep and heavy use of VTs.
> Have you ever grep'ed something like 'grep foobar **/*.c' ?
> After that, you have at least 10 VTs to edit the files.

I have only seen quite awkward looking hits to how to browse a large
source tree. Here is a list of tools that I use. These tend to be fast
in finding the interesting lines and opening the file and taking to
the line.

- etags. Building of the database from Linux source takes a command
like one below in linux source root
find . -name '*.[chsS]' ! -name '*,*' | etags -
Emacs has command M-. to move definitions of the word under cursor.
Also, emacs has M-x tags-search command to search with regexp in all
appearing in TAGS file.
Many vi editors support tags made with ctags.

- id-utils. Run command mkid without arguments in Linux source root.
There is id-utils.el for emacs such that you can find all
occurrences of a word under cursor in an instant in a grep like
buffer in which you can say C-c C-c to go to the line you point to
in the grep buffer, as well as other compile mode commands. Vi users
could perhaps use the command line tools like lid for the same

- find, xargs, grep. This is slow, but has more control over the files
searched and more options for searching. Command goes like
find . -name '*.[chsS]' | xargs grep -i 'what'
If only i386 target is interesting, something like
find . ./arch/i386 -follow -name asm-\* -prune -o -name arch -prune -o -name '*.[chsS] -print
is a better find command.
There is an emacs package for this kind of finds called igrep. Should
be available in elisp archives.

Marko Kohtala -,