Re: Msdos name alias patch for 2.1.48

Morten Welinder (
Fri, 8 Aug 1997 05:55:03 +0200

MSDOS is A-Z case insensitive only. (True for at least the Western
European versions.)

To analyse what kind of MSDOSFS we're looking for, consider these tasks
for files on an MSDOSFS:

1. Wine, Wabi, Dosemu access.
2. tar cf foo.tar /bill/gates
3. (cd /bill/gates && tar xf foo.tar)
4. cp /bill/gates/LongFileName /tmp
5. cp /tmp/LongFileName /bill/gates
6. cp -R /bill/gates /usr/src/linux-2.1.48
7. cp -R /usr/src/linux-2.1.48 /bill/gates

Task 1: I believe these applications use canonic names. Any MSDOSFS
solution will work.

Tasks 2+6: These read file names off the MSDOSFS. As long as readdir
returns canonic names we should be fine.

Tasks 3+7: These want to write files with non-canonic names to the MSDOSFS.
Moreover, the file names are not explicitly user specified. It would be a
real shame if these didn't work.

Task 4: Who cares if this fails to copy "/bill/gates/longfile"?
Task 5: This is sort-of like tasks 3+7, except that it's not important.

SUMMARY: *Creating* files is the hard part.


PS: stray thought: could we pretend the existence of hard links between
"foo" and "FOO" on a very temporary basis?