Re: Bogomips

Ashley M. Kirchner (
Sat, 16 Aug 1997 01:21:51 -0600

> Glynn writes: I've got a Pentium 60/66 with a Bogomips rating of 20.30
> Glynn writes: I take it that's abnormal; I can't change the CPU Cache
> settings from the
> Glynn writes: BIOS. Anyone have any suggestions?
> Glynn writes: Why do you think that it's abnormal?
> Glynn writes: FWIW, I have a Pentium 120, Bogomips rating of 47.92.

Bogomips on my 486DX4/100 reports 31.95
(other stats: 48Mb, 5.1Gb)

> thumpy writes: ok for us uneducated but learning pepole can you
> explain this
> thumpy writes: benchmark what is it what software and what it rates I
> have never
> thumpy writes: heard of this before sorry for asking but I must know
> being a power
> thumpy writes: user who loves to know whats happening I wanna bench my
> p-266 and my
> thumpy writes: p-166 :).

Bogomips is a standalone version of the benchmark program run by the
Linux kernel at boot time. The "Bogo" in BogoMIPs stands for bogus. See
the BOGOMips Mini-HOWTO document for more information on interpreting
the results of the program.

Bogomips can also be found separately at Bogomips
should compile on any ANSI C conforming system.