ppp/telnet lockup under 2.0.31 pre 6

Steven S. Dick (ssd@nevets.oau.org)
Sat, 16 Aug 1997 19:55:31 -0400 (EDT)

I've been running 2.0.27 for quite a while now, and getting telnet lockups
when going to a solaris 2 machine via ppp through an annex box.
The telnet I have installed is from RedHat NetKit-B 0.09-1

When it locks up, no more characters are seen on the linux side.
I'm not sure if the solaris side sees anything, but I don't think it does.
This happens with telnet; possibly not with any other protocol, but
I haven't tried rlogin. (I think I'll start.)

If I telnet in again and kill the remote session, the local telnet notices
a few seconds later *if* I type a key there. Sometimes it notices by
itself and exits a few minutes later even without closing the remote session.

I compiled 2.0.31 pre 6 on Friday hoping that it would fix this problem,
but it does not do so, as a session just locked up a few minutes ago.
I suppose the next step is to try getting the latest netkit from RedHat.

Can anyone suggest any other debugging routes here?
