Re: OSS 3.8a: SB32 not detected by lowlevel driver

Ulrich Windl (
Mon, 18 Aug 1997 15:01:20 +0200

On 18 Aug 97 at 15:50, Hannu Savolainen wrote:

> On Mon, 18 Aug 1997, Ulrich Windl wrote:
> > The driver does not detect my soundcard as an "AWE32" (which is
> > strictly speaking correct), but complains (rather unverbose)
> > "AWE32 not found"
> > "AWE32: not detected"
> >
> > According to my knowledge the test for the AWE32 is too strict; I
> It's not too strict. If the detection fails it means that the emu8000
> synth is not alive. Probably you just have SB32 PnP which needs
> initialization using isapnptools (see the notes in lowlevel/README.awe).
> The detection routine doesn't depend on existence of RAM.

To clarify the issue: Even though I don't understand why, it seems I
have to use the "isapnp" even though I have a working (I think) PnP
BIOS. The only surprising think I learned about the SB32 is that it
is detected as three independent devices. Maybe BIOSes just look for
one device per card. Honestly: I don't know.

> > could benefit from most of the features, except positional audio and
> > some reverb effects. Also there are several subtypes of the SB32;
> > some are not even upgradable with RAM, but they still can play the
> > sounds in ROM.
> >
> > Still the SB32 can play 32 or 30 (two needed for RAM refresh) voices
> > (I think the older types can play less). Thus it would be good to
> > detect the SB32/EMU8000 even outside the lowlevel driver.
> There is just one type of EMU8000 ever released. Even the oldest AWE32
> cards have the same capabilities than the latest AWE64 Gold. The
> difference is in the way how the RAM is plugged in.

Another clarification: With "older types" I meant SB, SB Pro, and SB
16 that have less voices (at least I always thought). And I
concluded: If the card is not detected as SB32 the maximal number of
voices won't be enabled.

Thanks to everybody who replied!
