Re: UTF-8, OSTA-UDF [why?], Unicode, and miscellaneous gibberish

Marcin Dalecki (
Wed, 20 Aug 1997 11:49:33 +0200 (MET DST)

On Wed, 20 Aug 1997, Alex Belits wrote:

> On Wed, 20 Aug 1997, Erik Corry wrote:
> ...
> > Linux has already standardised on UTF-8 for the console.
> (looking at the console...) No, still looks like koi8-r for me... Having
> the internal support doesn't mean that it's usable enough to make it
> mandatory everywhere.

Which is unusable for Latin-2 consoles too... Actually I tried to get the
bordering chars in /usr/src/linuc# make menuconfig <ENTER> right with
Latin-2 fonts. It was FAR easier to provide an appriopritae
termcap/terminfo entry for this font encoding then to use any of the output
remapping stuff from kbd-0.94.

So Linus please take of all of the uncide stuff ot of the kernel. If it
would be even usable it doesn't belong there anyway....
