Re: UTF-8, OSTA-UDF [why?], Unicode, and miscellaneous gibberis

Kai Henningsen (
26 Aug 1997 03:35:00 +0200 (Svein Erik Brostigen) wrote on 22.08.97 in <"15307 97/08/22 10:34*/c=no/admd=telemax/prmd=okpost/o=ksr/s=Brostigen/g=SveinErik/"@MHS>:

> If I understand correctly, all these uses their own type of encoding today
> and those are of course not easily converted/adopted from one language to
> another. Our main problem is then to find a way to unify all these encodings
> and Unicode is an attempt to do so and according to some here, have failed
> utterly in doing so.

For every solution, some people will claim this. That doesn't mean it's
true. In this case, it isn't.

MfG Kai