Re: Vote in favor of splitting OSS/Linux from OSS/Free...

Hannu Savolainen (
Tue, 26 Aug 1997 20:27:12 +0300 (EET DST)

Hi all,

After discussing with 4Front Tech folks I have decided to separate
the source trees of OSS/Free and OSS/Linux. This makes it possible to
accept patches sent by kernel hackers to the driver without need to worry
about integrity of OSS/Linux. However this also means that it's more
difficult to ensure that OSS/Free and the commercial OSS versions work

We also decided to include some parts of OSS/Linux also to OSS/Free. At
least the OPL3-SA (non-PnP) driver as well as the SoftOSS synth will be
included to OSS/Free. I will perform the split within couple of months
after moving the new parts is complete.

So after this change I no longer need to reject 90% of patches sent to me.
However it will not meant that I now accept all patches. Mainly I just
return back to "before OSS/LInux" mode.

Best regards,

Hannu Savolainen ( (Open Sound System (OSS)) (OSS Free/TASD/VoxWare)