[info] Hack the sides away (of procps)

Aaron Tiensivu (tiensivu@pilot.msu.edu)
Thu, 28 Aug 1997 03:00:29 -0400

I might be digging myself into a real hole but I think the end result will
be worth it.

Does anyone have some documentation on the sysctl library and how to go about
using it in user-land? Even maybe just a snippet of code would help. I don't
want to re-invent the wheel if it is already in place.

The end result, I hope, would be a total rewrite of the procps package.
I realize that sounds really ambitious but I just feel that the
binary -> text -> binary conversion used when messing with /proc is just a tad
retarded. In an ideal world, /proc would just be machine-readable ;-)

But anyway.. it would get rid of so much of the kernel version dependance
of that whole package.. change a little text in /proc/meminfo and the whole
package explodes and people whine.

Maybe I have the idea of sysctl wrong, so please inform me if I do.
