Re: Final pre-2.0.31.. Expect this to be same as real 2.0.31

Mark Habersack (
Wed, 17 Sep 1997 12:42:56 +0200 (MET DST)

On Tue, 16 Sep 1997, Rogier Wolff wrote:

> > > Could not get a free page is ok, does not depend on swap space free
> > > and does not mean anything bad.
> > Well, imho it is bad. It means something in the allocation mechanism fails,
> > and if it happens in some critical routine, the kernel is cooked.
> If you get the message while svgatextmode is going towards a higher
> resolution mode, then the kernel is allocating memory for the
> offscreen video buffers. In that case, you have to have enough memory
> available. Because this operation requires quite a lot of extra memory
That's right, I've just checked that in svgatextmode sources. Well...

> at exactly one moment in time, there is not much we can do about
> it....
Right, but still the system has all the swap space available - so why doesn't
that swap occur when stm needs that memory?