Re: Linux (free s/w) support

James Mastros (
Wed, 1 Oct 1997 16:37:41 -0400 (EDT)

On Wed, 1 Oct 1997, Darren Reed wrote:
> Oh, I'm sure everything _does_ get used (by someone!). I don't doubt that
> in the slightest.
> btw, I've yet to come across a kernel which required me to live with
> "factory defaults".
> Darren

Umm... Windows 95, Windows NT, Windows 3.1x, Soloris, SunOS, HP-UX, and any
other kernel that dosn't come with source. The features that you don't
need/want and are disabled in your kernel config never eat cycles, memory,
or disk space. If you don't have source then, at a theoritacal minimum
(assuming that those features aren't in modules), they will take up disk
space in your kernel image, and will take memory untill they are freed
during boot, and will eat cycles to free.

In linux, on the other hand, these features take up only two keypresses

-=- James Mastros

"Anybody who thinks that their compiler is smarter than they are
probably disagrees with me."
-=- Linus Torvalds