Re: Configure & Makefile patch for batch config

Karl O. Pinc (
Thu, 16 Oct 1997 00:37:25 -0500 (CDT)

On 16-Oct-97 Aaron Tiensivu wrote:
>> This patch is to support "batch", i.e. non-interactive, kernel
>> configuration. That is, you can use a .config file you've saved
>> somewhere and use it to re-configure a new kernel without having to
>> hold down the \n key in "make config". If there's a new kernel
>> configuration parameter, the script has to stop and ask you about it.
>> I've forgotten details about "make config" and had hassles too many
>> times, so I wrote this.
>You just re-invented "make oldconfig". ;-)
>Give it a whirl.. works great!

No I didn't -- I used the code. :-) This is "make oldconfig" with an argument
that says which oldconfig you want. (So, my description ain't so good.:-) So
the question is, is it good that it takes an argument? Maybe change the
makefile part of the patch so that "make oldconfig" takes an argument instead
of having a new target. That might be better. I'd be up for it if that's
what's wanted. The core of the patch is to scripts/Configure to allow a
".config" file to be specified.

In any case, I badly want some documentation on "make oldconfig", or whatever,
in the README so I don't have to re-figure out what I have to do every time.
And that's also in the patch.