My .procmailrc and .muttrc (snippets)

Aaron Tiensivu (
Tue, 28 Oct 1997 17:26:03 -0500

Since I've gotten some questions about my e-mail set-up, instead of
individually replying, I'll just post snippets of the files involved:

The following procmail cookie will stick all linux-kernel digests into
"linux-kernel" and formail splits the messages up for you automagically:


* ^TOlinux-kernel
| formail +1 -dns >>linux-kernel

Mutt, as a mailer, has real nice features in regards to numerous mail folders
and letting you know when there is new mail in them.


mailboxes +linux-kernel +linux-lmp +linux-msdos +texasflood +redhat-announce +re

So whenever I get mail in any of those, mutt lets me know and I just read them
like normal messages.

Sorry if this is 'too elementary' or 'offtopic' for them.. a lot of people
wanted to know and it really does come in handy once you start playing with
procmail and friends.

Which is worse: ignorance or apathy?  Who knows?  Who cares?
IBM: It may be slow, but at least it's expensive.
Laundry: The only place in the world where segregation should still exist.