Re: Shrinking kernel

Zlatko Calusic (
05 Nov 1997 18:00:21 +0100

"B. James Phillippe" <bryan@Terran.ORG> writes:

> Hello hackers,
> I'm faced with the task of reducing the size of a
> minimally-configured linux-2.0 kernel. The kernel I'm using now is
> running a diskless firewall (boots from floppy, runs in a ramdisk). The
> only things built into it are the floppy driver, TCP/IP networking
> (forwarding, gatewaying, IP firewalling, masq, et al), and the ethernet
> drivers. It's pretty small as is, but I'd like to push the envelope, so
> to speak. :) I recall a great while ago some people who had downsized the
> kernel by amazing proportions. I'm hoping someone can offer me advice as
> to what areas I can hand-prune to tighten it up a bit. My boss (and
> fellow engineer) has suggested cutting into fd.c and pulling support for
> everything but the standard 1.44MB 3.5" floppy we're using. Can anyone
> give any other advice for how to minimize the zImage?

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Posted by Zlatko Calusic           E-mail: <>
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