Tkdesk broken by 2.1.64 of all things...

Peter McLachlan (
Sun, 16 Nov 1997 21:46:30 -0500 (EST)

For some bizarre reason something in the 2.1.64 kernel breaks tkdesk.
Possibly tcl/tk in general I suppose, but I don't have any other apps that
use tcl/tk extensively so I can't experiment. Tkdesk simply doesn't load
and dumps core 2 times in 3. When it does load it can sometimes remain
stable, but often it will die after a seemingly random duration, taking
all its child processes (xterms etc.) with it.
Anyone got any suggestions/explanations?
Furthermore: any suggestions on the problem of setting my console to
132x44 mode on boot without having to set vga=ask in my lilo.conf, type
'scan' at bootup and then 'b' would be appreciated. :) I'm fairly sure
there must be a simple solution to that problem...

Peter McLachlan

My beautiful! my beautiful!
That standest meekly by
With thy proudly arched and glossy neck,
And dark and fiery eye;

"An Arab's Farewell to his Steed"-Caroline Norton