Re: A small knfsd wart

Bill Hawes (
Wed, 19 Nov 1997 08:29:26 -0500

Steven N. Hirsch wrote:
> I tripped over the first problem with knfsd last night. The server on
> which I first installed it has a single physical volume below /, and
> all clients can get to any and all directories underneath it.
> My other box has a second physical drive mounted on /usr/src of the
> primary drive. No matter what incantations I've used, I cannot seem to
> "see" that subtree from any of the clients. With unfsd, I never needed to
> specifically export the child volume, but knowing that this behavior tends
> to be implementation-dependant I tried doing so. No change. I'm
> completely unable to get to it from clients.

I'm not sure what's wrong here, but FWIW your second box looks similar
to what I'm running in my setup. My /usr is device 03:02, and I'm
exporting /usr/nfstest, which is the /nfstest directory of the /usr

This sounds like a configuration problem of some sort, so maybe some
other NFS users will have an idea of what's wrong.
