Re: Serial console patch?

Miquel van Smoorenburg (
21 Nov 1997 14:02:17 +0100

In article <>,
Lars Marowsky-Bree <> wrote:
>I need to know if the serial console patch is still being maintained. The
>latest patch I could find on the web is against 2.0.27...
>Does it work flawlessly with 2.0.32 ?

I haven't updated the 2.0.x patch for quite some time now.

>Is there any chance that this patch might get integrated into the main
>stream kernel? For remote servers it is a really useful feature.

I've been actively working on it, and I sent the patch to Linus several
times but it hasn't been integrated in the kernel.



   Miquel van      | Cistron Internet Services   --    Alphen aan den Rijn.
   Smoorenburg,    | |       PTT's Het Net: Surfen in de gootsteen!	<*>