Re: Triton DMA

Peter Svensson (
Sun, 30 Nov 1997 15:07:02 +0100 (MET)

On 30 Nov 1997, Linus Torvalds wrote:

> As to IDE scanners - a few years ago the selling point of SCSI oevr IDE
> (at least according to SCSI proponents) was that you could buy CD-ROM
> drives etc for SCSI without having to buy an extra card. Anybody who
> buys a SCSI CD-ROM these days has too much money and too little sense.

I have found just the opposite. The only truly reliable, fast and
problem-free cd-rom drive I have found are the scsi drives from plextor.
They may cost a bit more, but when you factor in the cost of having to
tinker with the hardware, they are a real win.

I am a forunate guy who is totally ide-less at work. :-)


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