Re: devfs

Perry Harrington (
Tue, 13 Jan 1998 09:29:52 -0800 (PST)

> This naming scheme should be used for 'non-disk' scsi devices top. Please
> dont put them in /dev/disk or anything.. But please do lose the sd_

Actually, putting them in /dev/dsk is good because when raw device support is available,
the devices will be created in /dev/rdsk, like Solaris. I hate the obscure logical
to hardware naming scheme that Solaris uses, but we can at least take some of the
non-braindamaged stuff from Solaris and reimplement it. The whole point of creating
canonical names for SCSI devices is to make it more standard among OSes, putting every
driver in /dev is ugly, makes directory scans unneccessarily lengthy, and doesn't
present a logical, consistent, and abstracted interface.


> >
> > --Jauder

Perry Harrington       Linux rules all OSes.    APSoft      ()
email: 			Think Blue. /\