Re: devfs

Perry Harrington (
Wed, 14 Jan 1998 08:59:49 -0800 (PST)

> >
> > For the ultimate in pure esthetics:
> >
> > /dev/sd/c0b0t0d0s0
> >
> > Switching from (h)ost (c)hannel to (c)ontroller (b)bus makes a great deal of
> > sense. It is also better for controllers which have multiple channels but do
> > not export them, such as a RAID controller that creates virtual disks from the
> > attache physical disks. I think the /dev/sd/c0b0t0d0s0 suggestion is the best
> > one yet.
> OK, fine. Let's lay this one to rest.
> Regards,
> Richard....

Yay, we have a consensus? PLEASE, PRETTY PLEASE! :)


PS: I like the above format, it is a compromise of all of the
suggestions (well, almost). It is coherent and a Solaris weenie
would probably recognize it and understand it.

Perry Harrington       Linux rules all OSes.    APSoft      ()
email: 			Think Blue. /\