Odd unresolved symbol thing

Matthew Kirkwood (weejock@ferret.lmh.ox.ac.uk)
Thu, 15 Jan 1998 14:59:36 +0000 (GMT)


While hacking on my latest kernel project[1] I have come up
against this little inconvenience:

/lib/modules/2.1.79/fs/cdaudfs.o: unresolved symbol __divdi3
/lib/modules/2.1.79/fs/cdaudfs.o: unresolved symbol __moddi3

I _think_ that it's related to gcc trying to optimise some
divides away when I refer to (x / CON) and (x % CON) within
reach of each other.

Does anyone have any useful ideas about getting my module to
load again? (I notice that the sparc port has a __divdi3,
stolen from the gcc support routines.)


[1] A cd-audio filesystem. Preliminary patch this weekend,
I hope.

Matthew Kirkwood  |  Mail:  matthew.kirkwood@lmh.ox.ac.uk
LMH JCR,          |  Web:   http://www-jcr.lmh.ox.ac.uk/~weejock/
Oxford OX2 6QA,   |  
England.          |  "To do things badly is a basic human right"