Re: OFFTOPIC: GGI and alternative GUIs and windowing systems in Linux

Adam D. Moss (
Wed, 28 Jan 1998 11:06:04 GMT

Alan Cox:
>> There is, I think, still room for bumming X implementations and protocols
>> a bit before giving up on it.
>Plenty of it. Adding support for acceleration of image scaling, and video
>scaling would help too.

I completely agreed, and suggested almost exactly that to the X people
a couple of years ago (Ralph Swick specifically, IIRC).

The response was, 'that's kinda what PEX is meant for'.

But now PEX is largely an ex-parrot for one reason or another,
OpenGL is lovely but quite heavyweight and doesn't slot into the
X architecture seamlessly (unless you have an SGI, and then only
to an extent), and a few extentions to the drawable featureset
would go down very nicely.

XCopyScaledArea(display, src, dest, gc, src_x, src_y, src_width,
src_height, dest_x, dest_y, dest_width, dest_height)
Display *display;
Drawable src, dest;
GC gc;
int src_x, src_y;
int dest_x, dest_y;
int src_width, src_height;
int dest_width, dest_height;

That sort of thing.

Better if it were an official X extension than an xf86 one, certainly.
And long overdue.
