Re: NTFS umask option problem

Martin v. Loewis (
Wed, 28 Jan 1998 16:52:00 +0100

> Whoops. I should not rant on linux-kernel when I am too tired to think
> straight.
> So why does ntfs default to a umask of 0077 whereas (for example) vfat
> defaults to the umask of the mounting process? Which is doing the
> right thing?

Ah, this is meant to be the umask of the mounting process. I don't
know which one is doing the right thing, it is eventually up to the
administrator to make sure everything works by providing the right

I've chosen 0077 in order to protect the administrator from
unexpectedly exposing data previously protected by access control
lists. This is not a problem for msdos, as people don't expect any
kind of access control on an msdos fs.
