Some questions

Jason Watts (
Sun, 1 Feb 1998 21:42:24 -0500 (EST)


I had some questions :

1> In the implemenration of pipes, why does a process have to sleep if he
opens pipe for reading if no other proc. has the pipe open for writing?
Cudn't he have opned it and then sleplt while he was trying to read from

2> Whie mounting a fs readonly, the kernel will set all dir perms etc. to
r--- for root. How does it decide user perms while mounting the fs with
home directories? Cud u direct me to the appropriate kernel code in this
case ?

3 > How exactly doees unlink".") work? What I feel is that the dir is
unlinked but the inode is still active(refcnt>10 and process is able to
acces the dir. as before until it exists. But what happemns if he now
executes the pwd ccommand?

4 > How does the mkdir command work exactly?