Re: OFFTOPIC: GGI and alternative GUIs and windowing systems in Linux -LONG

Alan Cox (
Mon, 2 Feb 1998 18:42:40 +0000 (GMT)

> > X is meant to provide services not policy. Thats very important.
> People _want_ policy. (they complain "every window works different")

Thats a toolkit problem. Understand where you draw the line and why X is
designed the way it is

> On the net, bandwidth matters. It is rather odd that X is
> less efficient than Windows.

Not really. The windows squash stuff over the net protocols are heavily
compressed protocols from the modem world. The default X protocol is an
uncompressed high performance low latency protocol. LBX is very efficient
and is the equivalent of the squash windows down a modem protocols.

Please - understand the model you are criticizing before trying to take it
