Re: 2.1.83: Sound, SB16, Modules, MIDI?

Jim Bray (
Mon, 2 Feb 1998 21:00:24 -0500 (EST)

On Mon, 2 Feb 1998, Alan Cox wrote:

> Those complaining about Hannu are doing him a real injustice

My apologies to Hannu for any injustice. His response to my comments was
terse but civil. Thanks to a little voodoo from Regis Duchesne, Hannu's
driver is working fine for me now. The documentation is obviously pretty
terrible, and as he said, he is under no moral obligation to improve
it. Perhaps he will forgive me for having formed the misapprehension that
the combination of poor documentation and references to a commercial
version might be the result of design rather than overwork or the
involvement of third parties. As Hannu said, he was not involved in the
modularisation, so one should not expect him to clean up the
readme.modules. Another party has removed the need to configure the driver
aside from kernel configuration, but has not updated the readme to reflect
this. This is not Hannu's doing, and while it is certainly a Good Thing if
documentation is current, it is perhaps not reasonable to expect this of
software under active development by multiple coders. I was not aware of
the story behind the sound driver.

> Alan

--Jim <a href=""> My Page: </a>