Re: group file format

G.J.W. Hagenaars (
Fri, 13 Feb 1998 15:55:26 -0500 (EST)

Apparently Michael L. Collins wrote:
% I am not sure if this question is kernel related, but I am guessing
% that security is compiled into the kernel.

No, this is a system administration issue.

% Several years ago I worked on a BSDi unix machine.
% The group file, as I remember, did not have an entry
% for each user. I added a user's name to the group
% that the user was to be included in.
% Linux (RH 5.0 k-2.0.32) seems to add an entry (new group)
% for each user into the group file.

That is done by the program you use to take all the boring work out of
adding a user. If it is a shell script (some are) you should be able to
put a default group ID (usually 100 (users)) in there, so that when you
add a new user to the machine, they will go with this default, instead
of a new group for every user.

The adduser script I have is
# by Hrvoje Dogan <>, Dec 1995.
and depends on /usr/sbin/useradd.

% Thanks,
% Michael

+++++++++++++ -------- +++++ --- ++ - + 0 + + ++ +++ +++++ ++++++++ +++++++++++++
sed '/^[when][coders]/!d G.J.W. Hagenaars -- Product Dial Architect
/^...[discover].$/d Remembering Mike Carty 1968-1994
/^..[real].[code]$/!d gj at shell dot istar dot ca
' /usr/dict/words I'm Dutch, what's _your_ excuse?

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