Where is the tulip driver in Linux 2.0.33

Kirk Bauer (kirk@kaybee.org)
Wed, 11 Mar 1998 14:24:09 -0500 (EST)

We just purchased a 100Mbit Ethernet card made by DEC with the
Tulip chipset on it (I can't remember the model offhand), but
I am trying to compile a new 2.0.33 kernel for the card and
I don't see any mention of the Tulip chipset!

This is the straight linux-2.0.33.tar.gz kernel. I see mentions
of 'tulip' in Documentation/Configure.help and I see the
net/de*.c drivers, but how do I compile in support for them??

I hate to bother the kernel-list with this, but we need to replace
our troublesome 3Com Vortex card and I am worried as to why
the Tulip driver is not mentioned in 'make config'. Also, this
is a dual-processor machine. I guess I am worred about the
stability of the Tulip driver as well as how to actually compile
it in...

Kirk Bauer -- Georgia Tech -- kirk@kaybee.org <== Finger for PGP
http://www.kaybee.org/~kirk ResNet RTA Computer Engineering
GT Sport Parachuting Club! http://cyberbuzz.gatech.edu/skydive

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