Re: GGI Project Unhappy On Linux

Andreas Kostyrka (
Fri, 27 Mar 1998 19:02:33 +0100 (CET)

On 27 Mar 1998, Jes Degn Soerensen wrote:

> >>>>> "Andreas" == Andreas Kostyrka <> writes:
> Andreas> Nope. I've reproducable SYSTEM crashes when I zap
> Andreas> (C-M-BackSpace) out of XF86_S3V 3.3.1 -> The system is dead,
> Andreas> no rebooting via the network. Another thing that I've with
> Andreas> XF86_S3, but this happens only one discless 486 (and not on
> Andreas> it's twin, that *FUNNY*), that switching to textmode leaves a
> Andreas> messed up text console.
> And you are sure its not a cache setting in your BIOS or something
> that causes this? I have seen cases with 440FX p2 boxes with ViRGE
> cards crashing under X when write-back cache is enabled for the
> frame-buffer memory.
It happens only sporadically, to be more exact, when the X Server
terminates. (Most often when doing it with C-M-Bckspce, but it also once
happened with a normal logout.)


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