
Smilax Rotundifolia (smilax@mindmeld.dyn.ml.org)
Tue, 14 Apr 1998 20:28:12 -0400 (EDT)

To all the Linux developers, for your information...

Character 160 appears as "| " in VI. For some reason, somebody put that
in instead of a regular space (032) in kernel/kmod.c. This gives a nice
parse error for those poor souls who don't know how to program. Fix this
for 2.1.97, please. :)

An easy way to spot this problem (for you complete Linux newbies ;-) ) is
to use Emacs, in which the nasty little character appears as \240. Erase
this and it'll be all better.

| |
| Fenestrae delendae sunt. |
| |
| smilax@mindmeld.dyn.ml.org |

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