Re: Uuencode and buggy outlook [Re: Digest patches mess up e-mail]

Richard Gooch (Richard.Gooch@atnf.CSIRO.AU)
Wed, 22 Apr 1998 20:06:41 +1000

Pavel Machek writes:
> Hi!
> > It's Outlook Express, but don't feel too bad because it is not the only
> > reader that does it. If you look, you will notice that the line that kills
> > is "begin 644 file". Some readers decode the patch which follows,
> > but don't
> > continue with the message after the end. They just truncate. You can mail
> > yourself a test message to confirm. Just begin the line as I state above.
> > In a perfect world, the readers would be fixed because I don't believe the
> > begin line is enough to warrent decoding [isn't a MIME header of
> > sorts
> This is uuencode. It predates MIME. It should be considered obsolete,
> and should not be used. But please do not enforce it as several
> important people post patches that way.

I don't agree. Uuencode has been around for a long time and works just
fine. I see no reason to discourage its use.
IMHO a reader that doesn't know that "^begin <mode> file" is
terminated with "^end" is broken.

> PS: I really prefer MIME, as it is more convient to use with mutt. Use
> MIME instead of uuencode if you can, pretty please.

Producing MIME is *less* convenient for me. And MIME-encoded mail is
harder to deal with.



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